Puncture reducing “slime”
We offer to install puncture reducing slime to all our new and “nearly new” wagons. This slime does not prevent punctures, but reduces the risk. Please see the following information before deciding whether you want to proceed with slime installation.
How do Slime’s sealants work?
Slime’s tire sealants coat the inside of the tire (or tube) within the tread area, allowing the product to seal tread area punctures. When the tire is punctured, the escaping air carries the sealant to the puncture. The liquid portion of the sealant escapes and the fibers and binders build-up and intertwine to form a flexible plug. This will allow the product to instantly seal punctures that occur in the tread area.
How long does it last for?
Slime sealant is a liquid that may dry out over long periods of time. For maximum puncture protection and optimal performance, we recommend that Slime be replaced after 2 years. For most tires and tubes, this will also be the time period for replacement due to wear and tear.
Does Slime harden after it is installed?
No. After installation, Slime will remain liquid for up to 2 years. The Slime is actually a delivery system for fibers, rubber particles and other sealing agents. As the liquid gets forced out through the puncture, it carries along with it the larger puncture repairing ingredients which pack into and seal the hole, preventing air loss.