Choosing a wagon isn’t easy… use our quick tool to give you some ideas about the best choices for you and your dog…..

What surfaces will you be walking/cycling on?

  • Pretty smooth and flat

    Mainly pavements and hard paths….

    Small wheels that are solid are fine for these sort of surfaces. 4 wheels are less manoeuvrable than 3 typically.

  • Perhaps a little bumpy

    A little more “off road”, perhaps some footpaths, forest tracks, but also good for around town.

    For these surfaces you will want slightly larger wheels and consider either air filled tyres or suspension to soak up the bumps and make the ride more comfortable. Slightly larger wheels will make it a more comfortable ride and nicer to push.

  • Off road!

    Mud, sand, bumpy paths.. but also good for everyday around town.

    For good all-terrain ability, the size of the wheels is key. The larger the better and air filled will always perform better than solid. 3 wheels gives greater manoeuvrability than 4 to avoid those bigger bumps.